Brow Lift in Orlando, FL

As we age, our skin begins to lose its elasticity, causing wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin to form. These skin issues are amplified when they are on the face, since the face is the part of the body that we most show to the world.

Unfortunately, lines on our face often make us look much older than we are, and this can cause many of us to feel self-conscious about our appearances.

However, there are plenty of facial plastic surgery options to help give you smoother skin and a more rejuvenated appearance. For skin issues on the upper third of the face, whether from age, lifestyle, or genetics, brow lift surgery is the best and most trusted procedure available.

beautiful model smiling, J plasma Orlando,

Am I a Candidate for Brow Lift Surgery?

If you are frustrated with wrinkles, fine lines, and loose skin on your upper face (from your eyes to your hairline), then a brow lift (also known as browplasty or a forehead lift) is the answer you’ve been looking for.

Ideal brow lift surgery candidates are non-smoking men and women, who are in good general health and struggle with skin issues on their upper face. Additionally, candidates should have realistic expectations about their results.

Common signs of aging that can be lessened with a brow lift include:

  • Sagging or furrowed brows
  • Vertical lines on forehead
  • Loose skin in the forehead
  • Heavy upper eyelids caused by a sagging brow

How Is a Brow Lift Performed?

A brow lift tightens the tissues and skin on the upper face to give a smoother, more rejuvenated look and feel.

At your consultation, Dr. Gonzalez will decide if a brow lift is the right choice for you. After he confirms this, you will schedule your surgery date.

Depending on the extent of the procedure, brow lift surgery is performed under either IV sedation or general anesthesia. After the anesthesia is administered, Dr. Gonzalez will make the incision.

At Le Contour Aesthetic Surgery, Dr. Gonzalez uses one of four types of brow lifts, depending on the correction needed as well as the patient’s hairline.

Traditional Incision

With a traditional brow lift procedure, Dr. Gonzalez makes what is called an open browplasty incision, where the incision is made behind the hairline at the top of the head. This allows the incisions, and resulting scars, to be hidden in the hairline. This incision also allows Dr. Gonzalez to have more control over the lift itself.

Excess underlying tissue will be removed and redistributed, and excess skin will be trimmed from the top of your forehead. This type of procedure helps to correct frown lines and a sagging brow while also making sure not to affect the patient’s hairline.

Trichophytic Incision

For this type of brow lift, the incision is made against (perpendicular to) the patient’s hairline. With this incision type, Dr. Gonzalez is able to pull the skin of the forehead tighter so that wrinkles and fine lines are lessened.

With a trichophytic incision, patients can expect dramatic results along with a lower risk of hairline recession.

Lateral Brow Lift

This type of brow lift is also known as a temporal browplasty and involves making an incision within the hairline, just above the temples. This incision placement allows the outer areas of the eyebrow to be treated directly.

After a lateral brow lift, patients should see improvement in their sagging brows or Crow’s feet.

Endoscopic Brow Lift

This type of brow lift is revolutionary as it allows for dynamic results while only requiring small incisions to be made.

Through these incisions, Dr. Gonzalez will insert an endoscope (a thin instrument with a light and camera at the end). With the endoscope, Dr. Gonzalez is able to reposition the underlying tissues and anchor them with internal sutures to give the patient a more natural and beautiful facial aesthetic.

This technique does not allow for excess skin to be removed.

What Is My Brow Lift Recovery Like?

After your brow lift surgery, you will experience some swelling and bruising, though these will dissipate over the next week or two. Also, you will probably feel some soreness and tightness in the surgical area. Any pain you feel can be mediated with medication.

Immediately after your surgery, you will have bandages wrapped around your forehead to help speed the recovery process up and minimize any swelling. Additionally, you may have a small tube placed in the incision site so that any excess blood or fluid can be drained.

It is important that you allow your body to rest during your recovery period. This means staying away from any strenuous activities. You should make sure to take any prescribed medications, apply cold compresses, and lie with your head in an elevated position.

For most patients, the brow lift recovery is two to three weeks, though Dr. Gonzalez will advise you on when you can return to work and to your normal daily activities.

woman smiling with her eyes closed, J plasma

What Results Can I Expect From My Brow Lift?

After your brow lift surgery, you will have a more rejuvenated and refreshed facial aesthetic. Wrinkles and fine lines should be less visible, making your upper facial skin look smoother and more youthful.

Your brow lift results are long lasting, though this procedure cannot keep the natural effects of aging away. However, by keeping a healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, wearing sunscreen, and maintaining a good skin care routine, you can help ensure that your results last longer.

You will have a more refreshed looking face that will make you feel comfortable and confident in your appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions About Brow Lift Surgery

Will my brow lift be painful?

Before your surgery, you will be given either IV sedation or general anesthesia, which means that you will not feel any pain or discomfort. After your procedure, you may feel some soreness in the area for a few days.

Will a brow lift help me see better?

Many patients’ visions are obstructed by sagging eyelid skin, which can be worsened by the weight of a sagging brow. This mainly affects peripheral vision.

Because a brow lift tightens the tissue and skin on the forehead and around the upper eyes, some of this skin may be removed to allow you to have unobstructed and clearer vision. Often, patients with significant obstructions to their peripheral vision are candidates for eyelid surgery.

How long does a brow lift procedure take?

While the exact length of the procedure varies with each patient and is dependent on several factors, including incision type, the average length of brow lift surgery is one to two hours.

Do non-surgical treatments work as good as a brow lift?

While there are numerous non-surgical, injectable treatments available for smoothing out the upper portion of the face and ridding patients of wrinkles and fine lines (such as BOTOX® Cosmetic), these treatments do not last nearly as long as a brow lift, nor do they provide the dramatic results that a brow lift does.

If you are looking for a quick fix that will go away soon after your procedure, then non-surgical treatments may be what you’re looking for, but if you want a correction that is long lasting and dynamic, then a brow lift can’t be beat.

Can I combine my brow lift with other procedures?

Yes. Many patients choose to combine their brow lift surgery with other procedures. Combining procedures offers a more complete facial transformation while also minimizing the overall cost and recovery time, since you are having the procedures as well as recovering from them at the same time.

Some procedures that patients choose to combine with their brow lift include:

Interested in a Brow Lift in Orlando, FL?

If you are ready for a brow lift, or if you have any questions about brow lift surgery or any other procedures offered at Le Contour Aesthetic Surgery, give us a call at (407) 447-1628 or fill out our online form.

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