Mommy Makeover surgery continues to grow in popularity. As exciting as this transformative combination procedure is, many patients want to know more about recovery: how to prepare, how long recovery takes, and how to make the recovery period go faster. This blog provides a Mommy Makeover recovery guide so you can optimize your results and enjoy your new look sooner.
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What Is a Mommy Makeover?
A Mommy Makeover is a customized set of procedures that helps women restore their bodies after pregnancy and childbirth. It often includes a combination of:
- Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)
- Breast lift or augmentation
- Liposuction
- Body contouring
Every surgery is tailored to your individual needs and desired aesthetic goals, so your recovery time and experience may vary.
How Long Does Mommy Makeover Recovery Take?
Recovery from a Mommy Makeover depends on the number and type of procedures involved. Typically, recovery time can take anywhere from four to six weeks, but you may start to feel more like yourself after two weeks. Many patients opt for a Mommy Makeover because it combines several different procedures under the umbrella of a single recovery period. Keep in mind that full recovery can take several months.
Prepare Before Your Mommy Makeover Surgery
A smooth recovery starts with good preparation. Here’s how you can prepare for a successful Mommy Makeover recovery:
Set Up a Recovery Space
You’ll want a comfortable space with everything you need within reach. Stock up on:
- Pillows for elevation
- Easy-to-reach snacks and water
- Entertainment (books, TV, or a tablet)
- Loose, comfortable clothing
Arrange for Help
You’ll need help with daily tasks, especially if you have small children. Ask family or friends to assist with tasks like cooking, cleaning, childcare, and driving you to follow-up appointments.
Get Your Medication
Pick up any prescribed pain medications before your surgery so they’re ready when you need them.
Stay Healthy
Eat nutritious meals, hydrate, and avoid alcohol or smoking in the weeks leading up to surgery.
A Week-by-Week Recovery Overview
Here’s a general timeline of what to expect during your Mommy Makeover recovery:
Week 1: Rest and Heal
This is the most critical recovery period. You’ll experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort. During this week:
- Follow your surgeon’s instructions closely
- Take your prescribed medications as directed
- Avoid any strenuous activity
Week 2: Gradually Increase Activity
By week two, you may feel more comfortable moving around, but it’s still important to take it easy. You might notice:
- Reduced swelling and bruising
- Ability to do light walking around the house
- The need for continued rest
Week 3–4: Back to Routine
Around the third or fourth week, many patients feel ready to return to light activities. Here’s what you may be able to do, per the guidance of your surgeon:
- Return to work if your job doesn’t require physical labor
- Start light exercise, such as walking
Weeks 5–6: Nearing Full Recovery
At this point, you’ll likely feel much better. Most women can:
- Resume most normal activities
- Gradually ease back into exercise routines
- Enjoy their new look as swelling continues to subside
Tips to Speed Up Your Recovery
Although healing takes time, you can follow these tips to speed up your recovery:
- Stay Hydrated: Water helps flush out toxins and keeps your body functioning optimally.
- Take Short Walks: Gentle walking helps improve circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots.
- Avoid Smoking: Smoking can slow down healing and increase the risk of complications.
- Get Plenty of Rest: Sleep is essential for your body to recover fully.
When to Call Your Doctor
It’s important to keep in touch with your doctor throughout your recovery. Call your surgeon immediately if you experience:
- Severe pain or swelling
- Fever or chills
- Unusual drainage or bleeding
- Signs of infection at the incision sites
For any concerns during recovery, don’t hesitate to reach out to your surgeon.
The Importance of Following Post-Op Instructions
Following your surgeon’s instructions is crucial to a smooth recovery. This includes:
- Keeping your incisions clean and dry
- Attending all follow-up appointments
Each instruction is designed to minimize complications and maximize your results.
Ready to Begin Your Mommy Makeover Journey in Orlando, FL?
Dr. F. Jorge Gonzalez is a compassionate, board-certified plastic surgeon known for his skill in performing Mommy Makeovers. For personalized advice and to schedule a consultation, contact Le Contour Aesthetic Surgery at (407) 447-1628 or fill out our online contact form. Our team is ready to guide you every step of the way!