Breast Lift in Orlando, FL

Over time, the appearance of your breasts may significantly change, resulting in sagging breasts. You may notice a loss of volume, shrinkage, flattening, or wrinkling of breasts, which is particularly common after pregnancy and nursing, significant weight loss, and aging.

beautiful breast lift model

What Is a Breast Lift?

A breast lift surgery — also known as mastopexy — can help reverse these effects by lifting and reshaping the breasts to create a more youthful and feminine contour. Excess skin is removed, and underlying breast tissue is tightened through a personalized approach to restore the breasts to the shape and position that feels most comfortable and desirable to you.

Am I a Candidate for Breast Lift?

Women seeking breast lift surgery should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations of the procedure’s outcome. The most ideal patients have sufficient breast volume but are unhappy with the shape and appearance of their breasts due to weakened breast tissue. This is manifested through skin laxity, sagging, stretched areolas, and nipples that point downward.

It is worth noting that it is usually best to wait until after pregnancy to undergo surgery if you plan to get pregnant. Patients are also required to be at a stable weight to maintain the results.

How Is a Breast Lift Performed?

Breast lift is performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. Prior to surgery, Dr. Gonzalez will explain the different techniques for breast lift surgery and help you determine the proper incision type to achieve the most optimal results.

The type of incision used for your specific case will depend on your breast anatomy, the extent of sagging as well as the size and position of your areola.

In most situations, the inverted-T/ anchor method and the straight-line vertical incision are the most preferred incision techniques. After the incision is made, Dr. Gonzalez will remove excess breast tissue and extra skin and pull the tissues together to reshape the breasts.

A breast augmentation may be recommended for women who do not have adequate breast tissue to create the intended fullness. This will help reshape the breast and fill in the upper pole of the breast for a more appealing look. If needed, the nipple-areolar complex is elevated on the breast for a more youthful projection.

Many women choose to combine a breast lift with implants.

What Results Can I Expect From a Breast Lift Procedure?

As the breasts settle in their new position, a perkier, firmer, and more natural bust line will be more visible. Incision scars will fade over time, and, with good care, patients can enjoy the results for a long time.

woman with her arms over her head wearing a black tank

What Results Can I Expect From a Breast Lift Procedure?

As the breasts settle in their new position, a perkier, firmer, and more natural bust line will be more visible. Incision scars will fade over time, and, with good care, patients can enjoy the results for a long time.

What Results Can I Expect From a Breast Lift Procedure?

As the breasts settle in their new position, a perkier, firmer, and more natural bust line will be more visible. Incision scars will fade over time, and, with good care, patients can enjoy the results for a long time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Lift Surgery

How much does breast lift surgery cost?

The cost of breast lift surgery will vary depending on the extent of the surgery, whether breast augmentation or breast reduction is combined, and additional factors such as geographical location, anesthesia fees, operating room fees, and surgeon’s fees. Dr. Gonzalez and his team will provide you with an accurate cost estimate during your initial consultation once he has had a chance to examine your degree of breast ptosis (sagging/laxity).

What is the anchor incision?

The anchor incision is most often the preferred method when a significant degree of breast sagging is present. This method reshapes the breasts using an incision that resembles an anchor —or an upside-down “T” — hence the name. Here, the incision runs around the areola, vertically down the lower pole of the breast (from the bottom of the areola to the breast crease beneath the breast), and across the horizontal breast crease (inframammary fold). While this does result in a most significant degree of breast scarring, it can allow for a more refined breast shape post-op.

Will a breast lift reduce the size of my breasts?

Because a breast lift raises and tightens the breast tissue and skin, it can result in a more compact breast. However, a breast lift does not reduce the size of the breasts or remove significant breast tissue or fat. If you would like to attain smaller breasts with breast surgery, a breast reduction with a lift is necessary.

Can I breastfeed after a breast lift?

Women interested in breastfeeding their children are often recommended to wait for breast lift surgery until they have completed their pregnancies. This is because breast lift surgery may interfere with your ability to breastfeed. Additionally, breastfeeding may disrupt your breast lift results.

While it is still possible for some women to breastfeed after breast surgery, it is not guaranteed, as the milk ducts may be damaged during the surgery.

Interested in Breast Lift in Orlando, FL?

Dr. Gonzalez has worked with many patients to create a shapelier bust silhouette. Contact us today at 404-477-1628 or fill our online form to schedule a consultation and learn more.

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