FaceTite® in Orlando, FL

Do you have wrinkles, fine lines, or loose skin on your face? Are these skin imperfections causing you to look older and more worn down than you actually are? Would you like to restore a more youthful appearance to your face?

FaceTite® is a revolutionary, nonsurgical alternative to traditional facelift surgery and neck lift surgery. This minimally invasive treatment uses radiofrequency-guided lipolysis to eliminate stubborn fat cells while smoothing wrinkles and other age-related skin issues on the face to give patients a rejuvenated and fresh facial aesthetic that can help them feel more confident and comfortable with the way they look.

Beautiful woman in hat

Am I a Candidate for FaceTite®?

FaceTite® offers stunning results to men and women who are unhappy with the look and feel of their facial skin. This treatment can help minimize fat as well as promote collagen and elastin production to help smooth away wrinkles and fine lines.

If you are unhappy with lines and loose skin on your face and/or neck, but you do not want — or need — to undergo a full facelift or neck lift procedure, then FaceTite® may be an excellent option.

Ideal candidates for FaceTite® are non-smoking men and women in good general health who have realistic expectations for their results.

How Is FaceTite® Performed?

The first and most important step to any successful cosmetic procedure is your consultation. At your FaceTite® consultation, you will get to discuss your cosmetic frustrations with your FaceTite® provider, who will evaluate your condition to determine if FaceTite® is right for you.

FaceTite® is performed under local anesthesia to ensure that you do not feel any pain or discomfort during your treatment. After the anesthesia has been administered, your provider will use the FaceTite® device to address issues in the treatment areas of the face.

Tiny incisions will be made in your facial skin to insert a cannula (a very thin tube). This helps to direct the radiofrequency energy to the specific treatment locations under the skin. The radiofrequency energy melts fat cells while simultaneously causing the skin to contract. During this process, collagen and elastin production is also stimulated.

Because the incisions are so small, there is no need to close them with sutures, nor is there any need to worry about resulting scars.

FaceTite® usually takes about 45 minutes to complete each target location.

What Is My FaceTite® Recovery Like?

After your FaceTite® procedure, you can expect to have some swelling and bruising in the treatment areas. These side effects usually last seven to 10 days; however, you should be able to return to your normal, daily activities within a few days. It is important that you refrain from any strenuous activities over the next two weeks after your procedure. Additionally, you should wait three to four days before applying makeup or topical creams to your face.

It is important that you follow all aftercare instructions.

What Results Can I Expect From FaceTite®?

You may see some immediate results; however, the reality is that FaceTite® works by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, which is not an instantaneous process. Instead, you will be able to notice gradual improvement to your facial skin. This often takes three to eight weeks. While it varies with every patient, many men and women require two to three treatment sessions to reach their optimal results.

You can expect to have long-lasting results from your FaceTite® procedure, especially if you maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a good skincare routine.

Frequently Asked Questions About FaceTite®

Why do I get wrinkles, lines, and loose skin on my face?

As we age, the levels of collagen and elastin in our epidermis (the outermost layer of skin) decreases. Collagen and elastin are responsible for the health, strength, and overall quality of our skin, so as we produce less collagen and elastin, the quality of our skin decreases, as well. With FaceTite®, though, collagen and elastin production are stimulated to allow the skin to become healthier and stronger than it has been in years.

What areas of my face can FaceTite® help correct?

FaceTite® can help smooth wrinkles and lines as well as tighten skin in the various areas of the face:

  • Forehead
  • Chin
  • Cheeks
  • Jowls
  • Jawline
  • Neck

How much does FaceTite® cost in Orlando, FL?

As with any cosmetic treatment, FaceTite® cost varies with each individual patient and is dependent on several different factors, including the extent of correction needed and the number of treatment sessions you undergo. At your consultation, Dr. Gonzalez and his team will provide you with an accurate cost estimate for your procedure.

Can I combine FaceTite® with other procedures?

While FaceTite® offers dramatic results to patients’ faces when performed as a standalone treatment, many men and women choose to combine their FaceTite® treatment with BOTOX® Cosmetic or dermal filler injections to achieve even more complete results. Usually, FaceTite® is performed first, and then the injection treatment is done the next day or a week later. 

Interested in FaceTite® in Orlando, FL?

FaceTite® can help if you are frustrated with facial skin imperfections. Contact us today at 407-447-1628 or fill our online contact form to schedule a consultation. Le Contour Aesthetic Surgery is looking forward to helping you achieve the facial appearance you desire.